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Important Upcoming Dates

Tuesday 30th July: Working Committee Meeting at 7:30pm in Berwick St John Village Hall

Sunday 8th September: Show Set Up at 10:00am at the  Show Field

Berwick St John Country Fayre Ltd

2024 Berwick St John Country Fayre

Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th September

Who We Are

We are a dedicated team committed to raising funds for Salisbury District Hospital Stars Appeal.

We are fortunate to have a wide network of volunteers and sponsors who also significantly contribute to our activities and achievements.

The Berwick St John Country Fayre 2022 Presentation. We raised a whopping £63,117.18!

Berwick St John Country Fayre Team

What We Do

We plan and organise various fundraising events throughout the year under the umbrella of The Berwick St John Country Fayre Ltd in aid of the Stars Appeal: Salisbury District Hospital's Charity.

Road Run Across Salisbury Plain Presentation, £12,614.82 raised in May 2023!

Berwick St John Country Fayre with Stars Appeal
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